Sacramento German Genealogy Society
Scroll to the bottom half of the screen for important notes about contacting SGGS.

Contacting SGGS

Mailing Address
Sacramento German Genealogy Society
P.O. Box 660061
Sacramento, CA 95866-0061
(916) 717-5421
General Inquiry:
Board of Directors
President: Ingeborg Carpenter
Vice President: Charles F Haussler
Treasurer: Annie Brenneis
Secretary: Richard Hanson
Membership Registrar (acting): Richard Hanson
Member at Large: Amy Spohr Chidester
Member at Large: Eleanor A Hedenkamp
Member at Large: Kathleen Cahill
Member at Large: Virginia Herte
Member at Large: Vacant
Member at Large: Vacant
Member at Large: Vacant
Other Officers and Contractors
Der Blumenbaum Co-editor: Eleanor A Hedenkamp
Der Blumenbaum Co-editor: Kathleen Cahill
Der Bote Editor: Charles F Haussler
Facebook Editor: Mary K. Bernthal
Education (Programs): Amy Spohr Chidester
Outreach (Publicity): Virginia Herte
Publications (co-chair): Eleanor A Hedenkamp
Publications (co-chair): Kathleen Cahill
Services: Vacant
Library: Donald C Reh
Technology Suppoert: Richard Hanson
use our convenient:

Contacting SGGS by email: Click on the red name links to send email to that person. Unfortuantely, those links may not work if you are using webmail. In that case, send to or click on the Web Contact Form link. You typically receive a response within 24 hours.
Contacting SGGS by phone: The Cooresponding Secretary's personal phone number is posted above. Due to scourge of telemarketer calls, calls without caller ID will automatically go to voice mail. You should receive a reply within 48 hours. You will likely get a faster reply by sending email.
Sending mail to SGGS' P.O. box: Mail is typically picked up once a week.
Communication is performed by one volunteer. If that person is on a trip or otherwise unavailable, there may be a greater delay in receiving a reply. If you do not receive a timely reply, please feel free to contact a different officer. Note that contact information is also listed in the Der Blumenbaum journal.