Sacramento German Genealogy Society

Who We Are

The Sacramento German Genealogy Society (SGGS) is known as one of the major organizations in its field. Founded in 1983, SGGS is registered as a 501(c)(3) public charity. SGGS promotes the search for family histories of members with a German heritage, providing educational resources for those seeking to learn about methods of researching their German ancestry.  We seek to increase the public’s understanding of culture and history of ancestors who lived in German-speaking areas of Europe. Although SGGS is based in Sacramento, its over 400 members live in forty of the United States and some foreign countries.


Member of
German Genealogy
Member of
Heritage Foundation
of the USA 
Partner of
Centre for Archival
Research (ICARUS)
Member of
National Genealogical

Operating Year: July 2024 - June 2025

What We Offer

The Monthly Meeting (in-person and transmitted via Zoom)

SGGS typicaly holds hybird meetings (in-person and via Zoom) on the fourth Tuesday of most months.  Meetings usually feature an in-person lecture by a local or national speaker with occassional remote presentaions.  The featured speaker of the month is usually available to answer questions following his/her talk.

Annual Seminar
The annual seminar, is an all-day gathering of German family historians, with lectures presented by one or more nationally known scholars - SGGS' major event of the year.  Besides offering training sessions, such an event may also include special activities such as one-on-one consultations with German research experts.
Special Events
SGGS occasionally hosts special events. For example, to celebrate our 25th Anniversary our Gala celebration in 2008  included local German folk dancers and singing groups.
SGGS sometimes substitutes cultural programs such as a historical costume display, story-telling and German folk dancing in place of  the regular genealogy lecture at a montly meeting.
Check our Calendar for upcoming events. 

SGGS regularly staffs a booth or table at local events, such as Family History Day at the State Archives in Sacramento, the FamilySearch Library seminar, and the Christkindlmarkt at the Sacramento Turn Verein. We invite you will stop by and chat with us when you attend one of these events.

Family History Day in October
Christkindlmarkt in December
Der Blumenbaum – This award-winning triannual publication of SGGS contains a wide range of articles about German and German-American culture, history, and genealogy. The articles emphasize timely information for those doing German genealogy research. This journal also includes surname queries and a list of available translators of German, French, Polish, and Latin.
Other Publications – SGGS volunteers have created useful publications available for sale to attendees of meetings. These include a reference catalog to the German resources available at the Sacramento FamilySearch Library, a comprehensive index for all Der Blumenbaum journals (since 1984), a German “handschrift” guide called “The German Card,” and a custom-order “German Handshake Packet” designed for members to carry with them when they travel to Germany to research their ancestors.
Book Donations for Public Use  – Over the years, SGGS has purchased numerous German genealogical research books, donating them to the Sacramento FamilySearch Library, where they have been placed on designated shelves, available for use by the public.
Informational Website – This website includes announcements, descriptions of SGGS activities, a calendar of meetings and events, descriptions of monthly programs, details about our workshop/seminar, information for members, descriptions of publications, links to other resources, and instructions for contacting the Society.

Do join us!

Our meetings are open to the public. Membership dues support our lively and far-ranging organization, thus providing us with the means to continue to assist German family historians. When you join SGGS, you receive the award-winning journal Der Blumenbaum, discounts on annual seminar and special event registrations, emailed notifications, and the right to submit your pedigree charts and surname queries.

If you have been thinking for a long time about searching for your German roots, you can now follow through and get lots of help and instruction, just by joining SGGS!