Vol. 1: Indiana
Vol. 2: Wisconsin Northwest
Vol. 3: Wisconsin Northeast
Vol. 4: Wisconsin Southwest
Vol. 5: Wisconsin Southeast
Vol. 6: Nebraska
Vol. 7: Iowa West
Vol. 8: Iowa Northeast
Vol. 9: Iowa Southeast
Vol. 10: Illinois North
Vol. 11: Illinois, Cook County and Chicago
Vol. 12: Illinois Central
Vol. 13: Illinois South
Vol. 14: Illinois St. Clair County
Vol. 15: Michigan, excluding Detroit
Vol. 16: Detroit, Part I
Vol. 17: Detroit, Part II
Vol. 18: Minnesota, North & South Dakota
Vol. 19: Missouri (excluding St. Louis city & county)
Vol. 20: Missouri, St. Louis County, St. Louis City I
Vol. 21: Missouri, St. Louis County, St. Louis City II
Vol. 22: Missouri, St. Louis County, St. Louis City III
Vol. 23: Missouri, St. Louis County, St. Louis City IV
Vol. 24: Missouri, St. Louis County, St. Louis City V
Vol. 25: Missouri, St. Louis County, St. Louis City VI
Vol. 26: Northwest Ohio
Vol. 27: Ohio (Toledo)
Vol. 28: Northeast OhioVol. 29: Dayton Ohio, Protestant
Vol. 30: West Central Ohio, Protestant
Vol. 31: Southern Ohio Protestant
Vol. 32: Ohio - Cincinnati, Protestant I
Vol. 33: Ohio - Cincinnati, Protestant II
Vol. 34: Louisville, Kentucky Protestant I
Vol. 35: Louisville, Kentucky Protestant II
Vol. 36: Louisville, Kentucky Protestant III
Vol. 37: Kentucky excluding Loisville City
Vol. 38: Central Southern States
Vol. 39: Texis I
Vol. 40: Texas II
Vol. 41: Texas, Indiana, Nebraska and Wisonsin (continued)